Good question
We love that you’re interested in Lamb & Co.! Here are a few questions we hear a lot…
Will you help me buy/sell a house?
Thanks for asking! The Lamb & Co. Real Estate team serves the greater Snohomish County area. If you’re in the region, head over to our real estate page for more details on our team’s home buying and selling services.
I have an unsellable real estate listing! How can I get on Unsellable Houses?
Our friends at High Noon Entertainment help us manage everything that goes into the Unsellable Houses show. Check out current casting page to see if opportunities are available! If selected, we’ll be your official unsellable realtor and have some fun along the way!
What’s your best advice for moving an unsellable real estate listing?
Great question! There are many reasons a listing might not be getting the bites you want, and that’s why it’s important to work with an experienced realtor who can help you explore every angle of your unique circumstances. But here are three of our go-to tips:
- A little paint goes a long way. Freshen up your home’s interiors with clean, neutral colors. This gives the home an updated look and lets potential buyers more easily imagine that space as their own. (Check out our favorite colors here!)
- Remove clutter. While we know every piece has a great story, it’s important to take down family photos and reduce clutter as much as possible.
- Stage. Have we mentioned what an impact professional staging has on selling a house? If you’re looking for inspiration, go watch the show! Our lives as unsellable realtors will give you plenty of tips!
Can we hire you for design?
We love that you trust us! Check out Lamb & Co. Design, fill out the form, and we’ll let you know when we’re scheduling new appointments!
Where do you find home décor and furniture?
We’re so glad you asked! Much of our furniture and décor comes from our Lamb & Co. Storefront! Shop the collection online or in person at our Snohomish, WA Storefront!
Where do you work?
Our team serves Bothell, Edmonds, Mill Creek, Kirkland, Lake Stevens, Lynnwood, Marysville, Mill Creek, Monroe, Mukilteo, and Snohomish, Washington. Or, for those outside the State, we work just north of Seattle. 😉
What design advice do you offer?
Head to our blog to explore our favorite HGTV design tips and tricks!