Most of us don’t have the luxury of a large & spacious bathroom so that means it’s time to get creative with how we take use of the space! Standard bathrooms are limited to a couple of cabinets and small nooks with potential for shelving, so we are here as your reliable Mill Creek real estate team to deliver tips to help you enhance your bathroom space! Check out our tips below:
Tip#1: Get Organized & Purge!
Get rid of the unnecessary items in your drawers and cabinets & get organized! The goal here is to only have the items that you currently use in your cabinets & drawers. I.e. Shampoos, conditioners, soaps, towels, toilet paper, etc. It will make your space feel less crowded if you only have what you need in this space!
Tip #2: Creative Storage
Use bins, baskets, and canisters to store small things like cue tips, soaps, brushes, and more. Some may even make great displays. I store all my essential oils on an open tray on a shelf in my bathroom, they look cute on display and are easily accessible for me!
Pro-tip: Roll your towels & display them on shelves instead of folding them and storing them in your cabinets!
Tip #3: Neutral Color Palette
Changing up the color palette to more natural colors will not only make the room feel bigger but will also create a more relaxing, spa-like experience! You can do this easily through paint, tile work, wall paper—the options are endless.
Pro tip: Hanging plants are a great pop of color in a space like this and they won’t take up counter space!
Tip #4: Use Vertical Items & Shelving
Use tall & skinny items when bringing additional pieces into a small bathroom. A tall, skinny rack that fits in a corner, makes for perfect storage space. Open shelving is another great option and easy to add above the toilet or on any blank walls in the room.

Tips #5: Raise the bar!
I haven’t actually tried this myself BUT I have heard it is a tip that works wonders! Raise the shower bar higher to the ceiling and pair it with an extra long shower curtain. This elongates the space and adds more of a luxurious look to the bath. Your future home buyer won’t be able to resist!
Hope this helps enhance your small bathroom into being the most relaxing retreat for your house guests!
What tips do you have to decorating a small bathroom?